Scholarships and Grants

Departmental Scholarships

We have two scholarships to support field studies.

  • The Norman K. Flint Memorial Field Geology Scholarship is specifically for geology and hydrogeology summer field camps. Unfortunately, we cannot use it to support undergraduate field research.
  • The Environmental Studies Field Studies Scholarship is to support non- geology field studies for especially Environmental Studies and Environmental Science majors.

And we have one scholarship for books:

• The Samuel B. Frazier Book Scholarship provides grants to help purchase necessary textbooks. This scholarship is open to all three of our majors.

Fliers for all three scholarships will go up in early March, with the deadline being sometime around the Ides of March. Checks are issued before the end of April. Note: We do not normally award both the Flint and Environmental Studies field scholarships to the same person. Apply for one or the other! 

Types of Grants